Jaipur: As the tsunami-ravaged Japan weighs its options in grappling with the dangerously high radiation levels following meltdown in nuclear reactors in Fukushima, a physics professor in Rajasthan University has come forward with a unique and highly unbelievable solution. Prof YK Vijay, director, Centre for Development of Physics Education, University of Rajasthan, believes the ancient ritual of 'Yagya', as performed in Vedic age, may counter 'radioactive pollution' in areas affected by nuclear radiation.
Prof Vijay claims that during experiments in a closed room, it was revealed that the clouds of smoke released from 'yagya' reduced 30 per cent of radioactivity. And all this while we wonder what he was doing when all of Delhi thought of ways to control radioactivity following theft of a nuclear apparatus from DU lab last year. In his research, the professor claimed, he was assisted by a priest from the Chomu region.
While experts might scoff at the veracity of the experiment, an upbeat Prof Vijay said, "Clouds of smoke can prevent harmful radiations of β-rays as they are formed of electron-charged particles. While γ-rays are neutral, more penetrating and can be prevented by concrete or lead shield only. While in nuclear waste from reactors, most activities are from β-rays that are short-lived but highly effective due to their penetration into skin."
"Radiations of β-rays couldn't reach the detector in presence of clouds of smoke in a closed room," he said, adding, "Our experiments reveal that cloud of smoke acts as radioactive shield and the technique may be useful for radiation-affected areas in Japan too."
Swami Keshawananda, follower of Arya Samaj, who participated in the experiment conducted on the university campus, seems to be inspired from an article written by Swami Dayananda Saraswati that was published in 'Ved Bhashya'.
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Arya Veer Dal Jaipur
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